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Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Information, information everywhere but not a drop to sync!!!

Here are two articles relating to information access (and the hassles that come in the same package). This is a telling tale of haves, who have to go thro' hope, resiliency, perseverance and much more (if they are not bored) in making their ends meet!!! Can you hear me now? :

  • Locked in the Ivory Tower: Why JSTOR Imprisons Academic Research. By Laura McKenna, : Universities have to pay thousands of dollars every year to read their own research online. Blame the broken economics of academic publishing.
  • The solutions to all our problems may be buried in PDFs that nobody reads. BY CHRISTOPHER INGRAHAM, : One final irony to ponder: You know that World Bank report, about how nobody reads its PDFs? It's only available as a PDF. Given the attention it's receiving, it may also be one of their most-downloaded reports ever.
    (image courtesy:
  • Saturday, May 03, 2014

    Scanner for ebook cannot tell its 'arms' from its 'anus'

    • Scanner for ebook cannot tell its 'arms' from its 'anus'
    • : A technical problem with optical character recognition software creates some awkward moments in romantic novels

    On the same shelf:

  • Top 5 embarrassing misprints
    You'd think the substitution of anuses for arms was as good as a misprint gets, but such hilarious scanning errors are merely the latest in a long history of printing goofs. Here are some of the best. Can you find better ones?
    1. The Wicked Bible
    2. Ground black people
    3. Jonathan Franzen's massive parade of typos
    4. Like chips in the sea
    5. Guardian Chistmas card
  • The Battle of Building Library's Digital Collection
  • Tuesday, February 18, 2014

    How Data Mining Uncovered Rampant Scientific Plagiarism and Fraud

    How Data Mining Uncovered Rampant Scientific Plagiarism and Fraud, Harold “Skip” Garner 

    The author wanted to build software that would navigate medical jargon. He ended up uncovering widespread plagiarism and hundreds of millions of dollars in potential fraud

    Saturday, January 25, 2014

    Your Privacy and Safety @ FB : How To See/Edit/Remove The Companies That Are Tracking You On Facebook

    How To See All The Companies That Are Tracking You On Facebook — And Block Them by JIM EDWARDS

    Jim Edwards / Daniel Goodman / BI
    Facebook is a great utility if you want to stay in touch with friends and family, share photos, and see what other people are up to in their lives.
    It's free to use, of course, but that doesn't mean it comes without a price. If you're using Facebook, you're giving the company a ton of information about yourself which it is selling to advertisers in one form or another.
    And most people forget that when they download or sign up for an app or website using their Facebook login, that they're giving those companies a direct look into their Facebook profiles and some of their personal data. That can often include your email address and phone number, but frequently also your current location. continue reading

    Saturday, January 11, 2014

    How to Improve Your Library Instruction: Assessment in Five Minutes

    Steiner—How to Improve Your Library Instruction: Assessment in Five Minutes
    Courtesy and Information @ Stephen Abram's

    Wednesday, January 01, 2014

    Evaluation of Knowledge Management - Readings


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